
Set compiler specific default compilation flags for a given language.

ecbuild_compiler_flags( <lang> )

The procedure is as follows:

  1. ecBuild does not set CMAKE_<lang>_FLAGS i.e. the user can set these via -D or the CMake cache and these will be the “base” flags.

  2. ecBuild overwrites CMAKE_<lang>_FLAGS_<btype> in the CMake cache for all build types with compiler specific defaults for the currently loaded compiler i.e. any value set by the user via -D or the CMake cache has no effect.

  3. Any value the user provides via ECBUILD_<lang>_FLAGS or ECBUILD_<lang>_FLAGS_<btype> overrides the corresponding CMAKE_<lang>_FLAGS or CMAKE_<lang>_FLAGS_<btype> without being written to the CMake cache.

Using custom compilation flags

If compilation flags need to be controlled on a per source file basis, ecBuild supports defining custom rules in a CMake or JSON file.

When using this approach, default compilation flags are NOT loaded!

Overriding compilation flags on a per source file basis using CMake rules

Compiler flags can be overridden on a per source file basis by setting the CMake variable ECBUILD_COMPILE_FLAGS to the full path of a CMake file defining the override rules. If set, <PNAME>_ECBUILD_COMPILE_FLAGS takes precendence and ECBUILD_COMPILE_FLAGS is ignored, allowing for rules that only apply to a subproject (e.g. in a bundle).

Flags can be overridden in 3 different ways:

  1. By defining project specific flags for a language and (optionally) build type e.g.

    set(<PNAME>_Fortran_FLAGS "...") # common flags for all build types
    set(<PNAME>_Fortran_FLAGS_DEBUG "...") # only for DEBUG build type
  2. By defining source file specific flags which are combined with the project and target specific flags

      PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "..."  # common flags for all build types
                 COMPILE_FLAGS_DEBUG "...") # only for DEBUG build type
  3. By defining source file specific flags which override the project and target specific flags

                 OVERRIDE_COMPILE_FLAGS_DEBUG "...")

See examples/override-compile-flags in the ecBuild source tree for a complete example using this technique.

Overriding compilation flags on a per source file basis using JSON rules

Compiler flags can be overridden on a per source file basis by setting the CMake variable ECBUILD_SOURCE_FLAGS to the full path of a JSON file defining the override rules. If set, <PNAME>_ECBUILD_SOURCE_FLAGS takes precendence and ECBUILD_SOURCE_FLAGS is ignored, allowing for rules that only apply to a subproject (e.g. in a bundle).

The JSON file lists shell glob patterns and the rule to apply to each source file matching the pattern, defined as an array [op, flag1, ...] containing an operator followed by one or more flags. Valid operators are:


Add the flags to the default compilation flags for matching files


Set the flags for matching files, disregarding default compilation flags


Remove the flags from the default compilation flags for matching files

Rules can be nested to e.g. only apply to a subdirectory by setting the rule to a dictionary, which will only apply to source files matching its pattern.

An example JSON file demonstrating different rule types is given below:

  "*"       : [ "+", "-g0" ],
  "*.cxx"   : [ "+", "-cxx11" ],
  "*.f90"   : [ "+", "-pipe" ],
  "foo.c"   : [ "+", "-O0" ],
  ""  : [ "+", "-O2", "-pipe" ],
  "bar/*": {
    "*.f90" : [ "=", "-O1" ]
  "baz/*": {
    "*.f90" : [ "/", "-pipe" ],
    "*.f90" : [ "/", "-O2" ],
    "*.f90" : [ "+", "-O3" ]

See examples/override-compile-flags in the ecBuild source tree for a complete example using this technique.